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哈佛被告招生歧視亞裔案,當前校園族裔多樣化成熱議話題。美聯社 分享 facebook 族裔身分納入選才考量 Harvard University—it’s a name that is recognized all over the world. For many years it has been considered one of the best universities in the world. Getting admitted into Harvard or similarly prestigious universities is very difficult because there is so much competition. But recently Harvard has gotten into trouble because of its admissions policy. Many US universities use a system to select students based on race.哈佛大學的名聲,全世界無不予以肯定。多少年來,它被推崇是全球最棒的大學之一。競爭者眾,想要進入哈佛就讀,或退而求其次被其他名校錄取,可比登天還難。不過,哈佛本身最近因入學規定而陷入爭議的泥淖。跟哈佛一樣,美國有許多大學的選才標準,是以種族或族裔背景當作考量的依據。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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@media screen and (max-width: 320px){ .inline-ad{margin: 0 -10px;} } 哈佛積極平權措施挨告When there is a lot of competition for admission, a school may use a system called affirmative action to help them choose students. This system is controversial. In November 2014, the group Students for Fair Admissions sued Harvard saying that this method of choosing students is unfair. They say it limits some races and accepts too many from other races. This case will probably go to trial this October. 申請者能力不相上下、競爭激烈時,校方可能會用「積極平權措施」制度篩選學生。這套制度極具爭議。2014年11月,名為「學生公平入學」的團體(簡稱「公平入學」)控告哈佛,認為哈佛的「積極平權措施」制度顯失公平,限縮某些族群(裔)入學的同時,卻又幫其他族群(裔)申請者廣開入學大門。本案預計於10月開庭審理。是積極平權,還是變相歧視?Discrimination means treating someone unfairly just because of their race, age or gender. Affirmative action is a kind of policy that is meant to prevent this. For example, a school might say they want ten African American, ten Asian American, ten Latino and ten Caucasian students. Many universities as well as large companies throughout the US use this policy. The Students for Fair Admissions group is seen as anti-affirmative action.因種族(裔)背景、年齡、性別等因素而予人不公平待遇,這就叫歧視。積極平權措施政策限定保障名額,即意在防範歧視。例如,某大學訂出的錄取名額,也許是10個非裔美籍、10個亞裔美籍、10個拉丁美洲籍和10個白人申請學生。這套措施,為美國許多大學和大型企業採用。一般認為,「公平入學」團體反對這套措施。名校看重多元學生組成Following the lawsuit from the student group, 16 of the top US universities have publically defended Harvard’s affirmative action admissions policy. In fact, every Ivy League school (the most selective private colleges in the northeast US) stands with Harvard, including Yale, Princeton and Columbia. Each of the 16 schools uses their own affirmative action admissions process. These schools believe it is of “profound importance” to keep their student bodies diverse. 「公平入學」提出訴訟後,有16所美國頂尖大學公開支持哈佛的積極平權措施入學制度。其實,包括耶魯、普林斯頓和哥倫比亞,每一所常春藤聯盟的大學(美國東北部入學標準極高的私立大學或學院)都公開力挺哈佛。這16所大學各有自己的積極平權措施選才政策。這些學校深信,保有多元的學生組成,對大學「至關重要」。亞裔族群內部意見分歧Many of the students within the Students for Fair Admissions group are Asian Americans. They feel they are being discriminated against once a school’s Asian-American-student quota has been filled, similar to the way that Jewish students were discriminated against in the early 20th century. However, not all Asian American students feel this way. Many think they have affirmative action to thank for their admission into Harvard. 「公平入學」裡有不少亞裔美國籍學生。當亞裔美籍學生錄取配額額滿,而拒絕他們入學,他們感到被大學歧視,處境猶如20世紀初期的猶太裔學生。但並非所有亞裔學生持此想法。不少人甚至認為,自己之所以獲哈佛錄取,得大大感謝這套積極平權措施政策。入學評選項目五花八門In order to get in or be admitted into a US university, there are requirements you must meet. The better the university, the higher your high school grades must be. Universities also like to see that you have a wide range of extra-curricular activities, like playing on sports teams or participating in school clubs. Prospective students need to write essays on different subjects. Sometimes there is an interview process.欲獲得美國大學入學資格,申請者必須達到校方設下的錄取標準。學校聲譽越好、排名越高,設下的高中成績門檻也會越高。大學也希望申請者具有廣泛參與課外活動的經驗,諸如參加體育校隊或校內社團。此外,申請者尚須針對不同科目撰寫小論文。有時還得接受校方面試。

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